Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Are you a risk taker?

A few months back I had a meeting with an advisor at my bank to discuss my "risk tolerance" in regards to some financial decisions I was making. I walked into that meeting thinking I had a higher risk tolerance than I did when it came to money.  This conversation got me thinking about what my "risk tolerance" is outside of the bank, on a day-to-day basis and how willing I am to take risks for God and walk in obedience to him. 

I realized I have taken a number of different risks lately that pulled me right out of my comfort zone. I guess there is a reason that it's called a 'comfort zone' since it's awfully comfortable and familiar there. Most recently I had the chance to pray for a few people as God prompted which pushed me out of my comfort zone a bit. I also started this blog which feels a little vulnerable as I put my thoughts out there for people to read. I've been taking big risks in hoping and praying for things that God has promised for me that I have yet to see fulfilled, and also in my prayers for family, friends, and my job. I even went on a date after agreeing to be set up with a guy through mutual friends which was a pretty big risk for me. I often feel as though it takes risk to just be a Christian in my workplace, to have the values and beliefs I have and to walk them out boldly (something I am definitely needing to work on) in such a secular place.
Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap.
Ecclesiastes 11:4 (NIV)
I love what Ecclesiastes is saying here. You will not reap what you do not sow, and you will not sow if you are only watching the wind. Sometimes you have to stop watching the wind and take action. Sometimes you have to get off your couch, leave your house, and put yourself out there. Sometimes it will be uncomfortable, that's okay! Obedience involves risk. Having hope and faith involves risk. Loving people involves risk. It's exciting, empowering, and scary all at the same time. That's the thing with risk, there is always some uncertainty involved and the possibility that it might not turn out so great. However, there is also the even greater possibility that something amazing will come of it. When God is involved, that's the case more often than not! Thankfully so.

Some of the risks I've taken lately haven't turned out quite the way I imagined or expected they would. It's hard to hope and believe for something to happen and then not see it come to fruition. It's tough to be shut down, rejected or not accepted. I'm learning that it's okay, this is a part of life, and God is still good, always. Sometimes taking risks makes me feel like a top being thrown off kilter, and leaves me questioning whether I should risk again. Am I willing to risk even though it could hurt and might be disappointing? Yes, because there is good news! Risks produce harvest if you are willing to sow into them. And, it's worth it do so even if your heart hurts a little in the process or you are burned because I've realized you learn and grow and become stronger in your faith and dependence on God. Situations might not always go the way you planned; you might not be well received, someone might not be healed after you pray for them, and something might end in a way you weren't expecting it to - but, you were obedient and took the risk. You aren't sitting on your couch wondering what might have happened, because you went for it! And regardless of the turnout, there is always learning to be had along the way. 

The Bible is full of people who took huge risks for God. Jesus risked being rejected and misunderstood on a regular basis, and he experienced both of these to the fullest extent possible. Rahab comes to mind when she hides Israelite spies in the book of Joshua or Moses who parts the red sea in Exodus. I love the story of the woman who pours perfume on Jesus' feet in Luke. There is also the woman hemorrhaging who believes she will be healed through touching Jesus' cloak takes risk in Matthew. She is healed! Come on! I could go on and on, as there are countless stories of risk-takers all throughout the Bible. Noah, Daniel, Abraham, the disciples... All these people have several things in common, but the most obvious being faith: faith in a faithful God. They also trusted him and were obedient, even when if it meant looking crazy or different. I'm realizing more and more that risk (whatever the size and cost) is really just a normal part of our Christian walk. 

Faith, trust, obedience and risk all go hand in hand.

So, I am choosing to be a risk-taker because God is a loving father who holds me close, and really, the safest place to be is in his will. I am choosing to be a risk-taker because even though it throws me off balance at times and it's hard to get back up, God is always stable and never off kilter. Psalm 46:1 says he is "our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble". That is enough for me, HE is enough for me. I desire to stay in tune with what my Father in heaven is saying and asking of me, and I long for more boldness, courage and grace to walk it out, to be obedient and take the risks needed along the way, even when it seems scary. Choose to be a risk-taker alongside our amazing Father!
When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.
Psalm 56:3 (NIV)

Stay tuned, in the next month or so I am hoping to explore the topic of community further, with the help of some dear friends!

P.S. Thanks for reading my blog!

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