Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What is God teaching you?

I was skyping with a friend recently and sharing with her how my job has seemed extra challenging lately and I haven't been dealing with it well (if at all). While I could identify some things that were making it hard, there were also things that I couldn't (and still can't) even pin point necessarily. I described feeling as though I was just trudging along, which felt laborious and taxing. Trudging along is slow, painful and also rather discouraging. It's not the least bit restful, and feels like barely "surviving" at times. The thing is, when you're trudging along you aren't getting anywhere fast and you're not able to see above whatever it is you're trying to get through. Your eyes on yourself and the hard stuff you are dealing with and it's difficult to have hope and know the end goal because of this.

Yeah, that has been me.

I had driven home that day feeling overwhelmed and praying to God for his perspective, asking him what I should do, and ultimately crying out for his grace to walk through this. I didn't want to just survive anymore or hope it gets easier in time and somehow get through it.

My friend's (gentle, and loving) response to me: "What do you think God is teaching you through this? Have you asked him?"....Boom. Busted!

That was one of the keys for me. When we ask God to reveal what he is teaching us (even if it's just a glimpse because we usually don't get the whole picture), we can then co-labour in that together with him. Breakthrough comes sooner when our eyes are on him and we are aware of what he is teaching us, or at least are reminded that there is an end and HE is with us in the process! I heard God say that this challenging season at my job is character building. Gaining an understanding of that brought a shift for me! As I write this a few weeks after this happened, I am seeing his work on my character in small ways. Is it still challenging? Yes. Do I have a better perspective and attitude? Yes.

It has been a humbling process, and seems almost silly and obvious as I write this all out, but so often I just trudge and forget to keep my eyes on the one who keeps his loving eyes on me. I forget all too quickly that he also makes all things work together for the good of those who love him! Walking in this kingdom mindset is so much more effective, hopeful and freeing in our challenging situations. The challenges we go through are not just hard for the sake of being hard - which is a tempting mindset to have because it almost takes the responsibility off ourselves to keep our eyes on him, to pray, shift the atmosphere, seek and have HIS perspective, etc. amidst our circumstances. With all that said, I encourage you to be honest with yourself, stop trudging and ask God what he is teaching you amidst your own circumstances.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
Psalm 32:8

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

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